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1 September 2007 A crusty Pacific Northwest exposed
Kerry Knudsen
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McCune, B. & R. Rosentreter. 2007. Biotic soil crust lichens of the Columbia Basin. Monographs in North American Lichenology 1: 1–105. Pbk. $30.00. Fully illustrated in color. [ISBN-10: 0‐9790737‐0‐7 (paperback); ISBN-13: 978‐0‐9790737‐0‐0 (hard cover edition)]. Available from the Northwest Lichenologists website:

Kerry Knudsen "A crusty Pacific Northwest exposed," The Bryologist 110(3), 563-564, (1 September 2007).[563:ACPNE]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 September 2007
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